Some quick notes about ZBLIST, Beta release 7Y: - 18 December 2016

ZBLIST is being developed because Vern Buerg's LIST.COM does not work under newer versions of Windows on 64-bit machines. I have had a few requests for an early PRE-release, so ... HERE IT IS.  This project is not complete by any means. I'm sure it has a few bugs as well.  Here are the features/limitations. 

Want to make a donation?  See below.  Without donations, work on ZBList will not continue.

What’s new in release 7Y


What ZBList does have that LIST.COM does not do.

What ZBLIST does not have (yet):


What it does at start-up (START Mode).

Any Mode after startup

What ZBLIST does in any mode after startup:

DIR Mode

What ZBLIST DOES do when listing a directory (ZBLIST calls this DIR mode)


What ZBLIST does when listing a file (ZBLIST calls this LIST mode) .  Note: ZBList took a more Windows-like approach to cut-and-paste.  See:  Ctl-A, Ctl-B, Ctl-C, Ctl-T, & Ctl-V


·       A new feature added in version 7Y allows for data searches that restrict columns when one enters "F", "S", "/", or "\" in LIST mode. 

·       For example, if one wants to find "ABCD", but only if it starts in column 14, specify "@14=ABCD" without the quotes.  Or if one wants to find "qwer" that falls between columns 7 and 33 (inclusive), specify, "@7/33=qwer".  In this case, the text must start after column 6 and end before column 34. 

·       The FIND parameter must start with "@" and the text starts after "=".  A forward slash separates the column numbers if both a beginning and ending column number are specified.

·       If the desired text (A) starts with "@" and (B) contains "=", one MUST use this option.  For example, if one is looking for any line that contains "@", Specify, "@1/999=@".  Kapish?

·       A caveat:  If one has chosen to hi-lite found text (a feature added in 2013), ZBList will only find the text in the specific columns, but all found text will be hi-lited.  So, for example, if one enters "@4/19=4088", ZBList will only stop whenever "4088" appears between columns 4 to 19, but all occurrences of "4088" on that page will be hi-lited.


January, 2014 - When I purchased my first 64-bit computer in the summer of 2009, I found out that 16-bit programs like LIST.COM did not work.  I assumed someone would come along and write a similar program.  I emailed Vern Buerg.  Vern said that it was doubtful that he was going to write a 32-bit (or 64-bit) version.  After four months, I started to write something.  Five months later, I had my first version.  I assumed that people would thank me with donations.  Well, in three years, ZBLIST has received a total of $1660 in donations (Thanks, Rob, Kevin, Wayne, Mark, Tommy, Bret, Lynn, Gerd, and one anonymous donor for your $100 donations).  All-in-all, that's about half of minimum wage.  I didn't expect to retire on ZBLIST like Vern did, but I was hoping for more support than I’ve received.  Anyone contributing $25 or more will get a version of ZBLIST that does not nag you for a donation after a few months.  Anyone contributing $40 or more will be allowed a one-time upgrade to the next version, assuming ZBLIST is still active.  If you have a ZBLIST feature that you would like added, a contribution would move your request towards the top of the request queue.  You can contribute by:


START    \path-to-exe-file\ZBLIST %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

where \path-to-exe-file\ is only necessary if ZBLIST is not in the WINDOWS path for executable files.  Notice: I use the command START.  This allows ZBList to start while leaving the DOS window open for other commands.

Clark Woodworth