Some quick notes about ZBLIST, Beta release 7Y: - 18
December 2016
is being developed because Vern Buerg's LIST.COM does not work under newer
versions of Windows on 64-bit machines. I have had a few requests for an early PRE-release,
so ... HERE IT IS. This project is not complete by any means. I'm
sure it has a few bugs as well. Here are the features/limitations.
Want to make a donation? See
below. Without donations, work on
ZBList will not continue.
What’s new in release 7Y
- Minor bugs fixed
- Added the ability to restrict text searches to specific
columns (See below)
- Added date format of DD-MM-YYYY at the request of a
- See the documentation of the CONFIG file in WORD or RTF
What ZBList does have that LIST.COM does not do.
- Expandable screen sizes, up to and including
full-screen. Use the mouse/cursor to stretch/shrink the ZBList window.
- More colors
- No limit for number of files in a directory. LIST.COM
was limited to about 1000 entries.
- File sizes up to two gigabytes. I believe LIST.COM had
trouble with files over 16mb.
- A CONFIG file to establish ZBList
- Ability to find text in specific columns
What ZBLIST does not have (yet):
- Piped input
- A help command if one hits F1
- Finding text in HEX mode
- Any feature that is not listed below is unavailable at
this time, but under consideration for the subsequent releases.
it does at start-up (START Mode).
- Based on input parameters, ZBList looks for a CONFIG
file as documented here in WORD format or here in RTF format.
- If no parameters are present, ZBLIST enters DIRectory mode and lists the current directory.
- If the passed parameter is a directory, ZBLIST enters DIR
mode and lists the named directory. (e.g. ZBLIST
- If one or more file names are passed as parameters, ZBLIST
starts in LIST mode and lists the files named. Use the "Q"
button to scroll to the next file.
e.g. "ZBLIST WHAMMY*.TXT" will list all files in which
the first six characters are WHAMMY and the last four characters
are .TXT.
Users can forward scroll to the next file with the Q, Ctrl-N, or Ctrl-PgDn. Users can scroll to previous files with
Ctrl-U, or Ctrl-PgUp. Users can go back to
the first file with "1" (one). Note: if ZBLIST can
not find the file name specified, ZBList
will append “.TXT”
to the file name. If that file
name does not exist, ZBList will append “.*” to the file name.
- If one or more files are passed as parameters AND the
user specifies "/d" in the parm, ZBLIST goes into DIR
mode and lists the file names specified.
- Effective with release 7U or 8U, screen settings are
based on the /Y parameter. If
the optional parameter /Y(parm)
is entered, ZBLIST examines the parm for the following:
** If Cnn is entered (nn
is any number from 06 to 20), ZBLIST uses the Consolas font with a font
size of "nn". (e.g. a parm of /YC12
sets ZBLIST to use 12-point Consolas font.
** If Fnn is entered (nn
is any number from 06 to 20), ZBLIST uses the Fixedsys
font with a font size of "nn". (e.g. a parm of /YF09
sets ZBLIST to use 9-point Fixdsys font.
** If Lnn is entered (nn
is any number from 06 to 20), ZBLIST uses the Lucinda Console font with a
font size of "nn". (e.g. a parm of /YL16
sets ZBLIST to use 16-point Lucinda Console font.
** If Nnn is entered (nn
is any number from 06 to 20), ZBLIST uses the Courier-New font with a font
size of "nn". (e.g. a parm of /YN11
sets ZBLIST to use 11-point Courier-New font.
** If Tnn is entered (nn
is any number from 06 to 20), ZBLIST uses the Terminal font (a.k.a. Code
page 437) with a font size of "nn".
(e.g. a parm of /YT7
sets ZBLIST to use 7-point Terminal font. Vern Buerg's LIST.COM used
the Terminal font.
** If B is entered, then ZBLIST sets the background color to black
and the foreground color to light gray.
** If Sxy is entered (x and y are digits
0-5), then ZBLIST sets the screen size from the minimum (zero) to maximum
(five) in the x (horizontal) or y (vertical) direction.&bnsp; e.g. S35 sets the horizontal window to
3/5 of the screen, and the vertical size of the screen to the full screen
size. S00 sets the screen size to 24 rows of 80 characters,
while S55 sets the ZBLIST window to full screen.
All of the /Y parms can be
combined. For example, a parm of /YS55N16B
sets the ZBLIST window to full-screen, uses 16-point Courier font, and
sets the background color to black.
Any Mode after startup
ZBLIST does in any mode after startup:
- Alt-G spawns a new DOS window in the current directory
without terminating ZBLIST.
- Alt-W spawns an additional copy of ZBLIST in the
current directory. The two executions of ZBLIST run independently
(concurrently) of each other.
- F5
thru F8 - Change colors. When hitting F5 - F8, users will be
prompted for the color for that particular aspect of ZBLIST (see
below). The colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo,
Violet, Cyan, Magenta, White, blacK, and grAy can be entered by name, or by R, O, Y, G,
B, I, V, C, M, W, K (for blacK), and A
(for grAy), respectively. In addition,
users can specify the first three or more letters of Brown, Chocolate,
Gold, Khaki, Lime, Maroon, NavyBlue, Peach,
Olive, Purple, Silver, SkyBlue, Tan, or Turquoise. In
addition, users may append one-to-five plus signs ("+")
to lighten or one-to-five minus signs ("-") to darken any
color. (e.g. specify "Lime++" for
a light lime color). Alternately, colors can be entered with the
6-character HEX RGB equivalent (e.g. FF0000 for red, FFD700 for gold, etc),
- F5 - Change the background color of the main display
(ZBLIST starts with this value set to Peach).
- F6 - Change the color of lettering of file names (in
DIR mode) and the color of lettering when listing a file (ZBLIST starts
this in Black).
- Ctrl-F6 - Change the coloring of the letters for
directory entries when in DIR mode (ZBLIST starts this in a light blue,
- F7 - Change the background coloring of the top/bottom
lines (from gray).
- Alt-F7 - Change the color of the background of the
cursor when in DIR mode. (ZBLIST starts this with a light gold (Gold+++)
(RGB = 0xFFF1A6),
- F8 - Change the lettering of the top/bottom lines of
the display. ZBLIST starts this in black (0x000000).
- F10 - Exit ZBLIST
DIR Mode
ZBLIST DOES do when listing a directory (ZBLIST calls this DIR mode)
- Mouse support:
In DIR and ZIP modes only, the mouse can be used to jump around the
directory listing.
- Click on any member to
jump to that member
- Click on the top line
within the first five characters to jump to the top of the DIR listing
(Equivalent to CTL-Home)
- Click on the top line
anywhere else to jump up one page (equivalent to PgUp)
- Click on the bottom line
in the lower right five characters to jump to the last member (equivalent
to CTL-End)
- Click on the bottom
line to go down one page. (equivalent to PgDn)
- Double-click on any
member is the equivalent of hitting enter on that member.
- Use cursor keys (up, down, right, left, Pg-Up, Pg-Dn, Home, End) to
move around the page.
- Use Ctrl-End, Ctrl-Home to move to 1st/last file in a
- 0-9 - The numbers zero through nine select the number
of columns for the directory listing. "0" is the max for the
screen size. More columns means that more files (but less data for
each file) per page are displayed. Fewer columns means
that fewer files (but more data for each file) are displayed on each
page. ZBLIST starts with this value set to "4". At a
minimum, ZBLIST displayes the old 12-byte file
name format with an 8-byte name followed by a period followed by the old
three-byte extension (e.g. ZBLIST.EXE). If only one or two columns are
displayed, then ZBLIST displays
(A) - The 12 byte old file name,
(B) - The number of bytes in the file. Larger files may have
"k" or "m" appended to indicate that the file size
should be multiplied by 1024 or 1048576 respectively.
(C) - The date/time of last modification in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm.
(D) - The file attributes "A" for archive, "S" for
system, "H" for hidden, and "R" for read-only.
(E) - The full long file name. If there is insufficient room to
display the entire file name, ZBLIST places a tilde ("~") at the
end to signify that more data exists.
- If the shift key is depressed and any letter is hit,
the cursor jumps to the first entry that begins with that letter. (e.g. Shift-W positions the cursor to the first
directory entry that begins with "W").
- B - Create a temporary backup copy of a file in the same
directory. It copies the file to another file in the same directory
named _Zyymmdd.ZBhhmmBU.(old
file name) where: yymmdd is the
current date and hhmm is the current
time. This is a temporary file which may get scratched by future
releases of ZBLIST when the file is more than 30 days old. For
example, ABCD.DOC would have a copy created named
_Z100630.ZB1425BU.ABCD.DOC. ZBLIST temporary files will be better
documented in the future. For now, realize that ZBLIST is creating a
short-term working backup copy of a file for TEMPORARY backup
purposes. When implemented in the future, ZBLIST will delete
temporary files older than 30 days (even files that are created
now). The long-term purpose of this feature is to create a backup
copy of a file just before it is edited. If a user makes a
catastrophic mistake, they could just revert to the backup copy. (It
is assumed users will discover their mistake within 30 days)
- C - Copy a file - ZBLIST prompts for the new location
and/or new name.
- D - Delete a file (actually move it to the recycle bin)
- Use "Alt-D" to move a file to the recycle bin without
- E - Edit the file using the command "EDIT
filename". If "EDIT" is not a valid command on your
system, create a .BAT file named EDIT.BAT. If the CTRL key is
down when "E" is hit (i.e. CTRL-E), a temporary backup copy of
the file is made (see the B command above).
Note: If you want to use NOTEPAD, see the "O" command,
Note: On 04-JAN-11, someone reported a bug wherein file names that contain
imbedded blanks do not work. This will be fixed in the next
- Alt-E - For users who want to
use their own editor, Alt-E invokes a command ZBEDIT drive dir filename complete_file_name,
where drive is the drive on which the file exists, dir is the directory on which the file exists, filename
is the filename of the file, and complete_file_name
is the fully-qualified path/file name. I created a 3-line .BAT file
named ZBEDIT.BAT which contains %1: on
the first line, thence CD %2 on the second line,
and thence EDIT %3 on the third line.
Together, these three lines are used to edit the file. Users can
create their own .BAT file and use the parameters as desired.
- F - Enter file specifications.
- CTL-F – Place the currently displayed directory
listing in a text file. The
default file name is $$ZBList_Directory.txt
in the current directory.
Alternately, the name of the file to receive the directory listing
can be specified with the DIRFILE command in the configuration file
- Alt-G (Also Alt-X) - Start (spawn) a new DOS session
using the current directory as the starting directory. ZBList continues running. (See X below)
- I - Invoke the file as a command. It is assumed
that the file is a .BAT, .EXE, or .COM file,
otherwise, users will be prompted if they wish to continue. Thence,
users will be prompted as to the parms to be passed to the invoked
program. (If no parms, then just hit enter or click
"OK") The current directory will be changed to the
directory in which the program resides and the program will be
called. ZBLIST will wait for the program to complete.
- L - Change to LIST mode and display the file on
which the cursor resides. This is the same as hitting the Enter
- M - Move a file/directory (you will be prompted for
- O - The letter "O", not zero. Similar
to E, this command invokes "NOTEPAD filename".
Note: Use Ctrl-O to create a backup copy before NOTEPAD is called.
- P - Change current directory or current drive.
Wild-card characters ("?" or "*") are allowed.
Wild-card character "*" is assumed at the end if no wild-card
characters are supplied, and ZBLIST will path to the first directory that
meets that specification.
- Q - Quit (if in DIR mode) or return to list the most
recently listed file. (See below for LIST mode.
- R - Rename a file
- S - Sort the directory. Unlike LIST.COM, when a
directory is sorted in date sequence, the directory is also sorted by
date. Use "F" to sort by file name (directories sorted
first). Use "D" to sort by date sequence. Use
"N" to sort by name with directories interleaved in file
names. Use "S" to sort by size (number of bytes).
Precede F, D, N, or S with a minus sign (-) to sort the
items in descending sequence. (e.g. "-D" to sort in
descending date sequence, "+S" to sort in ascending size
- V – If the cursor is positioned on a file name
that is a ZIP file, ZBList will enter ZIP mode. ZIP mode
is similar to DIR mode but a ZIP directory is listed. Use “V” to list all
files, including any associated directory stored with the filename. Use CTL-V to display only file
- W - Toggle Word-wrap. If Word-wrap is "on",
files being listed in ASCII mode will "break" at the end of the
line, or if a "break" character is found in the last 9 columns
of a line. A "break" character is 0X00, a blank, a minus sign,
or a 0XA0
- X - Start a new DOS session using the current directory
as the starting directory. Thence ZBLIST terminates. (see ALT-G to not end ZBList).
- “?” (question
mark) if entered when the cursor is on the “PARENT DIR”
selection, ZBList prompts for one CONFIG command as documented here in WORD format or here
in RTF format.
- Esc - Escape - Exit ZBLIST
- "*" (asterisk) - Refresh the directory listing.
- Enter - Change from DIR mode to LIST mode
and display the file on which the cursor resides. This is the same
as "L".
- "." (period) - Jump to the parent
directory. This has the same effect as hitting Ctrl-Home and thence
hitting Enter.
ZBLIST does when listing a file (ZBLIST calls this LIST mode)
. Note: ZBList
took a more Windows-like approach to cut-and-paste. See: Ctl-A, Ctl-B, Ctl-C, Ctl-T,
& Ctl-V
- Use cursor keys (up, down, right, left, Pg-Up, Pg-Dn, Home, End) to
move around the file.
- 1 (the number 1) quit
listing the current file and go back to the first file in the file list.
- 7
or 8 to display 7-bit ASCII (ignoring the high-order bit) or 8-bit
- F3 (or "A") to find the next text; F9 to find
the previous text. (See: "F", below)
- Ctrl-A - Mark the 1st line
of the file and the last line of the file in preparation for copying the
entire file to the Windows’ clipboard.
- Ctrl-B – Mark the line that is displayed on the
bottom of the screen
- Ctrl-C – Take the two most-recently marked lines,
and all the lines between those two lines, and copy the contents to the
Windows’ clipboard.
Thence, unmark the lines.
- E
- to display the file in EBCDIC (Hit "E" again to return to
ASCII display
- "F" or "S" or "\" or
"/" to find text. "F" and "\" finds
text regardless of case. "S" and "/" finds text
which is case-sensitive. Lines containing the text are listed in
bold (the entire line). The next found text is bookmarked (see:
Alt-Y). Currently, ZBLIST only supports ASCII text finds.
ZBLIST does not support searches while listing in HEX mode at this
time. See NOTE 1, for
information on restricting text search to specific columns.
- Alt-H - to display a file in hex. Note: If
the screen is more than 116 characters wide, ZBLIST will display 32
characters per line. If the screen is more than 125 characters wide,
the ASCII line number (in decimal) will be displayed on the right as
- Ctrl-N - quit listing the current file and list the next file of a list.
- Q
- quit listing the current file and list the next
- Alt-R to display column numbers on top.
- S
- Finds case-sensitive text (see "F")
- Ctrl-T – Mark the line that is currently at the
top of the display.
- Ctrl-U - quit listing the current file and list the previous file of a list.
- Ctrl-V – Unmark all lines (see Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B,
and Ctrl-T)
- Ctrl-Y to bookmark the top line listed on an ASCII
- Alt-Y to return to the previous bookmark. Keep
hitting Alt-Y to cycle through previous (up to 25) bookmarks.
- * (asterisk) is used for a junk filter. If listing a file in ASCII mode,
ZBList will treat the listing the same as “7” and ignore the
high-order bit. If displaying
the file in HEX mode, the ASCII portion of the listing will display all
non-standard characters as a period (“.”). Non standard
characters are those characters other than 0X20-0X7F.
- #
is used to jump to a specific line number (if listing in ASCII
mode). You will be prompted for the line number. If you are
listing a file in HEX (see: Alt-H), then you will be prompted for the byte
position within the file. Precede the line number or byte number
with H or X to indicate a hexadecimal byte number.
(e.g. "H1000" or "X1000" are equivalent to decimal
- +
The plus sign is used to jump forward a relative number of lines (if
listing in ASCII mode) or number of bytes (if listing in HEX mode).
For example, to jump forward 3000 lines, enter "+", then enter
"3000" when prompted. To jump forward &H4000 (16384) bytes,
enter either "16384" or "&h4000".
- -
The minus sign is used to jump backward a relative number of lines (if
listing in ASCII mode) or number of bytes (if listing in HEX mode).
You will be prompted as to how many lines/bytes you wish to move backwards
in the file.
- /
or \ - Used for finding text. See:
"F", above
- Ctrl-Pgup - quit listing the
current file and list the previous file of a
- Ctrl-PgDn - quit listing the
current file and list the next file of a list.
- Ctrl-Left (arrow) - Go left to column 1.
- Ctrl-Right (arrow) - Go right to the last column of the
longest record on the current page.
- Esc - Escape: Exit LIST mode, return to DIR
new feature added in version 7Y allows for data searches that restrict columns
when one enters "F", "S", "/", or "\"
in LIST mode.
example, if one wants to find "ABCD", but only if it starts in column
14, specify "@14=ABCD" without the quotes. Or if one wants to find "qwer" that falls between columns 7 and 33 (inclusive),
specify, "@7/33=qwer". In this case, the text must start after
column 6 and end before column 34.
FIND parameter must start with "@" and the text starts after
"=". A forward slash
separates the column numbers if both a beginning and ending column number are
the desired text (A) starts with "@" and (B) contains "=",
one MUST use this option. For
example, if one is looking for any line that contains "@", Specify,
"@1/999=@". Kapish?
caveat: If one has chosen to
hi-lite found text (a feature added in 2013), ZBList
will only find the text in the specific columns, but all found text will be hi-lited. So, for
example, if one enters "@4/19=4088", ZBList
will only stop whenever "4088" appears between columns 4 to 19, but
all occurrences of "4088" on that page will be hi-lited.
January, 2014 - When I purchased my first 64-bit
computer in the summer of 2009, I found out that 16-bit programs like LIST.COM
did not work. I assumed someone would come along and write a similar
program. I emailed Vern Buerg.
Vern said that it was doubtful that he was going to write a 32-bit (or
64-bit) version. After four months,
I started to write something. Five months later, I had my first
version. I assumed that people would thank me with donations. Well,
in three years, ZBLIST has received a total of $1660 in donations (Thanks, Rob,
Kevin, Wayne, Mark, Tommy, Bret, Lynn, Gerd, and one
anonymous donor for your $100 donations). All-in-all, that's about half
of minimum wage. I didn't expect to retire on ZBLIST like Vern did, but I
was hoping for more support than I’ve received. Anyone contributing
$25 or more will get a version of ZBLIST that does not nag you for a donation
after a few months. Anyone contributing $40 or more will be allowed a
one-time upgrade to the next version, assuming ZBLIST is still active. If
you have a ZBLIST feature that you would like added, a contribution would move
your request towards the top of the request queue. You can contribute by:
- Check or cash to C. Woodworth; 20
Sherburn Circle; Weston, MA 02493 (Please include your email address) (My
son and I both share the first initial, “C”)
- I started this project in December, 2009, before Vern
Buerg had passed away. I'm a bit discouraged that I'm only receiving
about three emails a month about ZBLIST. It's enough to keep me
going, but this is mostly a spare-time project. If it looks like it
might be a viable product for better development, I shall give it more
- Please report any errors to me at
- Email me if you're hot-to-trot over a feature that I
haven't included, yet. I wrote this utility with my own needs in
- ZBLIST only supports long file names. The 8.3
file name normally displayed on the left during a directory listing is
only to be compatible with LIST.COM.
- If directory names or file names contain embedded
blanks, ZBLIST may have a problem. I've corrected some issues, but
some may still be outstanding. Please email me if you have a problem
in this area (or any area).
- If you're lazy, like I am, and you use ZBLIST as
frequently as I do, I suggest creating a short-named Z.BAT so that
you only have to type Z to get to ZBLIST. My Z.BAT
file consists of
START \path-to-exe-file\ZBLIST %1
%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
where \path-to-exe-file\ is
only necessary if ZBLIST is not in the WINDOWS path for executable
files. Notice: I use the command
START. This allows ZBList to start
while leaving the DOS window open for other commands.
- This is a BETA version and will nag you for a donation
in a month or two. In the meantime, test and enjoy ZBList. Then, C'mon back here for a
newer version. Or … Those that make a suitable donation
(above) will receive a non-expiring version of ZBList.
Clark Woodworth